CAPP Code of Practice for Confined Space, Final Draft

TO: CAODC Board of Directors
TO: CAODC Drilling and Service Rig Executive Members
TO: CAODC Drilling and Service Rig Registered Representatives
TO: CAODC Drilling and Service Rig Members

FOR IMMEDIATE REVIEW: CAPP Code of Practice for Confined Space, Final Draft
The DRAFT Code of Practice for Confined Space, developed by the CAPP Health and Safety Steering Committee, is scheduled to be approved January 15, 2018. Please take the time to review this document at your earliest convenience. Please send feedback to on or before 12:00 PM Friday, January 12, 2018.

To access a copy of the DRAFT Code of Practice, click here (note that the file is a download. If after clicking the hyperlink it does not open automatically, please check your download folder) or log into the CAODC website and refer to the Industry Review webpage.

Further information from CAPP is as follows:

Industry identified an opportunity to improve our approach to confined space regulation and policy, thereby creating potential efficiencies and mitigating risk for members. An Industry Confined Space Task Group was struck to support this work, with representation from CAPP, PSAC, CAODC, CAGC, EPAC and Enform. A draft framework was created, circulated widely for review, and is now ready for approval.

Key Messages

  • Working in or around a confined space is a high-risk activity. Across Canada, a significant number of people are killed or seriously injured in confined spaces each year. This happens in a wide range of industries, from those involving complex plants to simple storage vessels. Those affected include people working in the confined space and those who try to rescue them, often without appropriate training and equipment.
  • The regulations governing confined space activities vary significantly from one jurisdiction to the next. The analysis of the cross-jurisdictional review concluded that it was not possible, even with major changes, to develop a single harmonized confined space regulation that would meet the requirements in each jurisdiction. As a result, a confined space regulatory framework was initiated to achieve the identified safe work objectives.
  • This Code of Practice for Confined Space was developed by the upstream oil and gas industry to provide Canadian regulators with a recommendation for the harmonization of Federal, Provincial and Territorial confined space regulatory requirements. Codes of Practice set out industry standards of conduct and provide guidance to employers, supervisors, contractors, and workers that can be used – AS AN OPTION – to meet and/or exceed the requirements of OHS legislation.

Next Steps
Upon approval of the Code of Practice at the CAPP HSSC meeting in January,

  1. An engagement plan with the regulators will be initiated; and
  2. An issue proposal for development by Energy Safety Canada will be submitted.

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