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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


Course Outline

  • Module 1: Legislation
  • Module 2: Chemical Hazards and Classes of Dangerous Goods
  • Module 3: Packaging and Labeling
  • Module 4: Shipping Documents
  • Module 5: Segregation and Vehicle Loading
  • Module 6: Accidents and Emergency Response Assistance Plans


Testing conducted throughout this online Transportation of Dangerous Goods -TDG course is designed to reinforce the information presented. A mark of 80% must be achieved in order to receive a certificate of completion. Participants are able to repeat the course two times if the pass mark is not achieved on the first attempt. Print materials for this course can be accessed online.


Upon successful completion of this online course, a certificate of completion will be available to download and print.


This course was created using standards that will allow playback on most internet capable devices with standard web browsing capabilities including Apple’s iTouch, iPad, and iPhone, as well as most other smart phones and tablets including those with Android and Windows operating systems.


In Canada, federal and provincial and territorial legislation governs the transportation of dangerous goods. Anyone who handles, offers for transport or transports dangerous goods is legally required to have training in the transportation of dangerous goods.

Once you have completed this course, you will be better informed about the importance of complying with the regulations for the transportation of dangerous goods.

Although goods can be transported by road, rail, air and water, this course only covers regulations for ground transportation of dangerous goods. There are nine classes of dangerous goods and at the end of this course, you will be qualified to handle all of them except Classes 1, 6.2 and 7 as handling these classes requires additional training.

You should ask your supervisor or employer about special equipment, site specific or job specific training for the transportation of dangerous goods.

Once you have completed the course, you will take the final test. You must achieve at least 80% to receive a certificate of completion. Don’t worry - if you don’t pass the first time, you can keep trying until you do.

  • Online Course Duration: Approximately 3hrs